
Thursday, July 4, 2019

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The Books in My Life ~ Voices of the American Revolution in the Carolinas

I read this book a little at a time.  There are short firsthand accounts from actual participants to help us experience what life was like during those eventful years.  I love how it's written in the vernacular of that time period.  I find this book fascinating.

Here's an excerpt (p. 200 of my version) from the chapter entitled "The Race to the Dan" - from Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States by General Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee.

"General Greene having withdrawn his troops from Beatie's Ford, on his Lordship's passage below, Lieutenant Colonel Webster and his division crossed the Catawba without opposition and in the course of the day joined the British general.  Cornwallis had now gained one of the great roads leading to Salisbury and the pursuit our light troops was renewed with activity."

The book goes in chronological order and each account is interesting to me.  If you're looking for some history, these firsthand accounts will take you back in time and place you in the middle of it all.

Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

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