
Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Songs in My Life ~ I Need Thee Every Hour

How wonderful when my "work life" coincides with my personal life.  You want to learn how to play "I Need Thee Every Hour"?  Why, yes, let's do that!  I can't think of a song I sing more because..."I need Thee every hour...!"

Enjoy this version... by Fernando Ortego

I need Thee every hour,

Most gracious Lord.
No tender voice like thine,
Can peace afford.

I need Thee, oh I need Thee
Every hour I need Thee!
Oh, bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee!

I need Thee every hour,
Stay thou nearby.
Temptations lose their pow'r
When thou are nigh.

I need Thee, oh I need Thee
Every hour I need Thee!
Oh, bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee!

I need Thee every hour,
In joy or pain.
Come quickly and abide,
Or life is vain.

I need Thee, oh I need Thee
Every hour I need Thee!
Oh, bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee!

Thank you for visiting ~ Reia