
Sunday, February 12, 2017

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Minimalism ~ When Less is More!

I think I've always been a Minimalist.  As an adult, I get to be a Minimalist.  "Things" don't matter to me although I do have "things" that matter to me.  I know - a real paradox!

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

I found Minimalism: a Documentary About the Important Things on Netflix.  Watching it reinforced a lot of my beliefs.  Beliefs I live by daily.

1)  People matter - things don't.  I find myself looking at "things" and praying about who could benefit from this "thing" the most.

2)  From Be More With Less (don't you love that name?) - 25 Reasons You Might Be a Minimalist - yes, that's me.

3)  "Where There's a Will There's a Way" - you actually can raise a family in a small house.  I love the phrase "McMansion" & yet I cry inside.  I see too many young families thinking the only option is a big house - period.  I know for a fact there's been many a family raised in a small house.  It really can be done.  Don't saddle yourself with mortgages that hurt not help your family - please!

4)  You really CAN live without some of the things that are "musts" in your life right now.  Simplicity carries with it freedom from worry.  As one that's cut the cable/satellite cord more than once in my lifetime.  Less truly IS more!

Thanks for visiting!  Reia

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