
Sunday, April 7, 2019

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Holy Week ~ Almost There

I'm working on my 7th Holy Week preparation.  As a group we've come a long way.  This year we're more bilingual than ever and that makes me very happy and a good bit nervous.  I've included YouTube links of some of the songs we're singing during this time.  Feel free to join us because I'll be streaming!

I grew up in a Charismatic world and now I earn my living in a Liturgical world - similar and yet very different.  Both are good and I love the diversity.

In my present liturgical world we'll walk out the Passion of Christ from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday and it touches me so.

During Holy Thursday our Priest will humble himself and wash the feet of some of our families.

The Altar will be stripped and we'll prepare for Good Friday.

Good Friday will be Stations of the Cross in the Garden. 

Our amazing Hispanic community is giving us a "living" Stations of the Cross... be followed by Good Friday Liturgy.  We enter in silence, we venerate the Cross, we have Communion and we depart in silence.  Very moving.

Saturday is our "Easter Vigil" - we begin at dark (8pm) - we enter in darkness and after the Readings, lights are turned on and we begin the celebration of the Savior's Resurrection.  Resucito

We're reminded of the importance of our Baptism.  I Saw Water Flowing

The entire evening is so moving to me.

Then we come back for Easter Sunday and what a celebration!  He is risen!

I truly hope and pray that you are celebrating the life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ during this time of year!

If you aren't, you're truly missing out!

Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

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