
Friday, September 13, 2019

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The Songs in My Life ~ I'm Already There

I'm going through a list of my favorite songs.  We're in a new normal with Bill's lung cancer/lung problems.  I'd forgotten about this song.  I'm reminded so often of why I fell in love with him and why I stay in love with him.  This song is one of the many reminders.

Bill's work was in the Metal Cutting Industry.  If a machine cut metal, he's seen it.  He knew how to write the software to make the CNCs (I'm sure you know this but just in case - Computer Numerical Controllers) tell the machine to do what it was supposed to do (simplified version and probably not exactly correct).

He was often called into a plant as a troubleshooter when machines were down.  He was once told that if he didn't get a machine going soon he was going to "shut down the whole GM line".  You can imagine what he said to that comment.

Anyway - I'd drive him to the airport on Monday and pick him up on Friday only to do it again the next week.  After he'd hurt his back and was finally home, I heard this song and just fell apart.  I promised myself and him that I'd do anything legal and moral to keep him home with me.  It's been over 20 years and I've kept my promise so far.

Promises made - Promises kept.  Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

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