
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

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Christmas Preparations ~ Favorite Books Pt. 1

I love books.  I'm to the point I can't bring any more books into the house until I give some away - a real dilemma for me.  I've had some books for years - umm, decades.

One of my favorites for Christmas time is "The Christmas Lover's Handbook".  It's full of ideas, craft how to's, recipes, patterns, poems and more.  No matter what - I've never let go of this book.  I'm pleased to see you can still buy it.


Another book - "new to me" but not new - is
"The Whole Christmas Catalogue".

The introduction states..."The Whole Christmas Catalogue is designed to help you and your family experience the holiday at its best.  We have included stories and poems that can be read aloud to young children, Christmas carols for the whole family to sing, and crafts and recipes to personalize the festivities."

Once again patterns, recipes, history, beautiful photographs and sheet music!  I believe this "new to me" book will be a keeper also.

What are some of YOUR favorite books as we look forward to and prepare for Christmas?

Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

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