
Sunday, May 9, 2021

Frugal Living ~ Ibotta, Shopkick, Fetch

"Frugal Living" is my middle name.  I've been a "coupon clipping - rebate mama" for decades.  I've had successes (free trash bags for years to come) and failures (free 2L sodas - didn't know they had expiration dates until they started popping and going everywhere in the garage).

With Smartphones and apps, rebates have evolved and I've evolved with them.  It's actually easier to save money now.  It helps to have a plan.  My daughter, Ginger Alana, is the best at whipping a plan together.  When visiting and "Ibotta" shopping, she went aisle to aisle telling me exactly what to get and we truly scored some good savings.  I'll go shopping with her any time!

Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

So - if you need some saving favorites to use are Ibotta, Shopkick and Fetch.  We get to try new things and get some dollars back to help pay for them.  The marketing strategy has worked because I've fallen in love with some products I never would have tried.

More to come.  Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Enneagram 5 ~ the Need to Learn and Possess Knowledge

Finding out that I'm an Enneagram 5 was life changing.  No longer trying to figure out why I am the way I am.  Free to just be me!

Fives are alert, insightful and curious.  Fives are constantly learning and picking up new skills.

No matter what we want to believe about ourselves - we are who we are.  I experienced this a few minutes ago while checking my email.

Don't need that - Delete.  Don't need that - Delete.

Email from - "Lebanese Fattoush" - don't need that - De.... - Lebanese Fattoush?  I don't even know what that is much less how to make it.

Click on email link..."lettuce, cabbage, radishes, cucumber, red bell pepper, carrot, sweet corn kernals, tomato, small onion, clove, olive oil, pomegranate seeds and syrup plus pita bread"  Lebanese Fattoush


  1. a Middle Eastern salad consisting of tomatoes, cucumber, and other vegetables together with croutons made from toasted pita bread.

There you have it - an hour in the life of "Reia - Enneagram 5".  Gaining knowledge about things I didn't even know existed.  You're welcome!

Want to know what Enneagram you are?  This is a test my group of Enneagram friends have found useful.

Thanks for visiting ~ Reia