
Monday, October 31, 2022

Oct. 31st ~ National Caramel Apple Day

We made it to Oct. 31st.  We all know today is Halloween but did you know the Caramel Apple is celebrated today also?

In the 1950s a Kraft employee had way too many caramels left over.  The employee went to work finding a way to use up the extra caramels and the "Caramel Apple" was invented.

Caramel Apples recipe - from House and Home (looks easy to do).

Easy Caramel Apple Dip recipe - from "Mom on Timeout".

Here's to Caramel Apples!  Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Oct. 30th ~ National Candy Corn Day

I know, right?  There's a national day for candy corn?  Apparently, there is!

A few facts:

George Renniger created candy corn in the 1800s.

Candy corn used to be called "Chicken Feed".

Annually 35 million pounds (9 Billion pieces) of Candy Corn are consumed worldwide.

Candy Corn is one of the top 10 most popular Halloween candies.

I also like the chocolate candy corn.

Here are a few more interesting facts from "Taste of Home".

Plus... a video - "How Candy Corn is Made" - Unwrapped / Food Network (3:15)

What a fun day to celebrate!  Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Oct. 29th ~ National Oatmeal Day

National Oatmeal Day - So many uses and so good for us.

According to WebMD - "This whole-grain powerhouse has been packing serious nutrition and hearty flavor into breakfast for generations. It’s one of the few comfort foods that’s as good for you as it is just plain good."

Plus - the fiber within oats is more soluble than any other grain.

Ok - health info aside...oatmeal just tastes good - in cookies, as a late-night snack or for breakfast on a cold day.

As for oatmeal cookies - I've always made the Oatmeal Cookies from the recipe on the Quaker Oats Oatmeal container.  Bonus - I found more recipes at the Quaker Oats website.  They look really good!

Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

Friday, October 28, 2022

Oct. 28th ~ Frankenstein Friday

Didn't know this was a thing.  My Bill introduced me to Svengoolie (MeTV on Saturday nights).  I'd come home from my job (playing for Saturday night Mass) and he'd have a pizza ready and Svengoolie ready also.  We developed a routine that lasted until he moved on to Heaven last year.

Frankenstein was often featured and I found my favorites from the various movies (1930s and 1940s).  There was Frankenstein, The Bride of Frankenstein, Son of Frankentstein. Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (definitely one of my favorites), Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein - the list goes on.  You can read more here.

So - if you haven't watched one of the many older Frankenstein movies, you owe it to yourself to join me and watch at least one of them.  I'll bring the popcorn.

Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Oct. 27th ~ National American Beer Day

I think I lean toward American Beers every day but the thought that today is "National American Beer Day" gave me pause for thought.

To celebrate I decided to buy a beer I hadn't tried yet.  Being very frugal, I chose one that had an Ibotta rebate attached.

My Bill always loved Miller Lite.  Once we got married it turned into Milwaulkee's Best or Keystone.  Every now and then we'd splurge but usually it was what we could afford.

One time we bought a keg because I'd "run the numbers" and it would be cheaper to have a keg.  It was an absolutely wonderful couple of days until the keg ran dry and the party ended.  We - umm, I - didn't do that again.

Today brought back a lot of memories of drinking beer with my best friend who was also my husband.  I'm not sure what he's drinking in Heaven but I'm behaving myself and trying something new on "National American Beer Day".

On a side note - thinking of American beer always makes me think of "Nati" - Natural Light beer and then my mind goes on to Walker Hayes' song "Fancy Like" which then makes me think of my daughter Ginger and her husband Adam.  (Don't you love the way my mind works?")

Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Oct. 26th ~ National Pumpkin Day

Did you know...pumpkins are a member of the gourd family  Other members of the gourd family are melons, cucumbers, squash (yellow and zucchini). Plus they're fruits - not vegetables.  Their history in North America goes back 5,000 years.

Pumpkin is also one of the best-known sources of beta-carotene (an antioxidant converted to vitamin A in the body).  They are loaded with fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.

While I love melons (all kinds) and really love squash with onions, zucchini stir-fried and cucumbers just to snack on, I found these interesting cookies.

Side Note:  Dewey's Bakery was founded in 1930 in Winston-Salem, NC.  To read more about their history, click here.

Hope you have a good "National Pumpkin Day" and that there's a good pumpkin patch in your future this fall to visit.

Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Oct. 25th ~ Sourest Day

Welcome to "Sourest Day".  Today is the day for all things sour.  While I love green apples and lemons, I'm concentrating on candy today.

I polled two young people (my grandson and a young friend) about their favorite sour candy.  I received two different answers.  So here goes...

My young friend said Sour Patch Kids but it has to be the box not a bag.  Boy, was she right!  They are sour but addictive!

My grandson's answer was "Limon 7".  I'd never heard of it.  Limon 7 is a salt and lemon powder.  The powder can be eaten straight from the pouch or poured on to fruit.  I chose the pouch route.

I'm already thinking of other ways to use the Limon 7.  Since I have 99 more pouches of it, I wonder if I can come up with 99 more ways to use it.

Hope you enjoy "Sour Day" and thanks for visiting ~ Reia 

Monday, October 24, 2022

Oct. 24th ~ National Food / Bologna Day

National Food Day was celebrated for the first time in 1975.  The day was created by the CSPI (Center for Science and Public Interest).

Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

It was supposed to be like "Earth Day" and focused on educating people about healthy eating, good farming methods, etc.  I try to eat healthy, but I certainly wouldn't be the poster child for "National Food Day".  I do love a good salad though - honest!

In fact, I wanted to write about "National Bologna Day" but didn't buy any in time to take pictures or get the recipe for this "Bologna and Cream Cheese" cake.  Yes, it's a thing.

So, here's the 1973 commercial floating around in my head as I thought about my post for "National Bologna Day".

Oscar Meyer Commercial - 1973 

Thanks for visiting on this day that's all about food ~ Reia

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Oct. 23rd ~ T.V. Talk Show Host Day

One thing I can say about all of the Talk Show Hosts I've seen during my life time - they've entertained me, made me laugh and educated me over the years.

My all time favorite is... Johnny Carson (information from  You can stream Johnny Carson's show on Pluto TV, the Roku Channel and Peacock.  I'm adding a few YouTube clips here (3:49 and 4:27).  I think my favorites were when animals were brought on the show.

Cute Koala Climbs a Tree on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show

Baby Mountain Lion Stares Down Johnny Carson

My newest favorite Talk Show Host is Jonathan Ross.  You can watch him on Britbox.  Here's a clip with Steve Carell and Gordon Ramsey (start at the 1:40 marker).  Steve Carell is telling about his fine dining experience.  I haven't laughed this much in a while and even Gordon Ramsey was cracking up.

I've also enjoyed Merv Griffin, Mike Douglas and many others.  I can say the Talk Show Hosts I've enjoyed over the years have added a lot to my life.  I'm very happy to celebrate them today.

Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Oct. 22nd ~ National Nut Day

 Happy "National Nut Day"!  Liberation Foods - a Community Interest Company that's owned by smallholder farmers around the world - designated Oct. 22nd to be "National Nut Day" in 2015.

Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash

For some interesting "Nut" Facts - visit RitiRiwaz.  One that caught my eye is - Pistachios aren't a nut - they're a seed.  (There goes the photo I was going to use.)

Did you know there's a website called - Nutcracker Museum?  The site even has a "Puzzle" page for Kids.

The Minimalist Baker shows us how to Make our own Nut Butter.

Thanks for visiting on "National Nut Day"!  Reia

Friday, October 21, 2022

Oct. 21st ~ National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day

New facts to me - 1) "National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day" was declared in 2011 and 2) Cheesecakes date back to the 5th Century B.C.

I found a recipe that turns a regular Cheesecake mix into a Pumpkin Cheesecake.  (I'm learning all kinds of things with this project I've taken on.)

No-Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake (by Taste of Home)

It's been a busy day so I'll edit this post once my cheesecake is ready for it's debut.

Be back in a bit.  Pumpkin Cheesecake to check on.

The Pie/Quiche Plate is Pfaltzgraff's Yorktowne

Here she is - I used my Young Living Clove Essential Oil for the Clove.

Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Oct. 20th ~ International Chefs Day

International Chefs Day was started by the Late Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher in 2004.  Today's purpose is to celebrate chefs and spread awareness about eating healthy.

I found a fascinating website - World Chefs.  The website is full of information and events to include today's celebration.

Now for some of my favorite "Chef" Competitions...

Great British Menu (can be streamed for free on Tubitv)

Top British chefs compete against each other and are scored by a panel of acclaimed judges.

The Final Table (can be streamed on Netflix)

Teams of chefs vie to impress some of the world's toughest palates.

There are others but these are my favorite International competitions.

My favorite "chef" quote - "Chefs don't make mistakes; they make new dishes."  Elizabeth Brigg

Here's to International Chefs Day!

Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Oct. 19th ~ National Seafood Bisque Day

Happy National Seafood Bisque Day!  Bisque you ask? defines it as "a thick cream soup, especially of puréed shellfish or vegetables."

Bowl is Pfaltzgraff's Naturewood pattern.

While Longhorn Steakhouse calls this dish a chowder, it reminds me of a Bisque.  Today's "National Day" was reason enough for me to do a curbside order.

Buy online - I did find a few Bisques to buy online at Amazon (I'll add links later) and I found Tomato Bisque in our grocery stores.

Recipe - I found a recipe online for "Super Easy Shrimp Bisque" at 100 Days of Real Food.

Happy "National Seafood Bisque Day" everyone!

Thanks for visiting ~ Reia

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Oct. 18th ~ National Chocolate Cupcake Day

National Chocolate Cupcake Day - celebrating Chocolate Cupcakes is right up my alley.

Apparently Amelia Simmons wrote the first American cookbook, American Cookery.  Published in 1796 (Hartford, CT) and the cupcake was born.

I bought the cookbook (Kindle and Print).  The recipe is titled - "A light Cake to bake in small cups".  The recipe calls for... 1/2 pound of sugar, 1/2 pound of butter, rubbed into 2 pounds of flour, one glass of wine, one do (ditto - glass) rose water, 2 do (ditto - glass) emptins, a nutmeg, cinnamon and currants.

I love this!  The cookbook has a glossary and I'm thankful because I didn't know what "do" or "emptins" were.  Emptins were "semiliquid prepared yeast".

Ths Hostess company was the first to mass produce cupcakes in 1919 and they're still producing today.

Thanks to all who create and bake cupcakes.  Especially today on "National Chocolate Cupcake Day"!

Thanks for visiting ~ Reia